[9 Fixes] Honda Generator Keeps Shutting Off

Home generators are supposed to be your backup power in the time of need, which is mostly in case of natural disasters. So, when it starts shutting off every few minutes, or every hour or so, it can be really annoying. So, if your Honda generator keeps shutting off every once in a while, we’ve got you covered.

Most of the time, when a generator keeps shutting off, it is an indication of overload. However, it can also be caused by any mechanical and maintenance related issues.

Let’s take a look at what else causes your Honda generator to shut off intermittently and more importantly, how to fix it. 

Honda Generator Keeps Shutting Off

Why Honda Generator Keeps Shutting Off and How to Fix It

Normally, generators are supposed to start up quickly and then run smoothly until the gas runs out. So, when it keeps going off, it’s better to take a look at it as soon as possible. So, here’s a list of possible reasons that cause your Honda generator to shut off intermittently.

1. Sudden Overload 

If you didn’t know, your Honda generator comes with overload protection that shuts the generator down when it detects overload. In other words, when your amps and watts usage exceeds the amount your generator can produce steadily, the overload protection circuit shuts it down. This is a security feature that helps prevent damage to the engine. 

A good indication of overload is when your generator is making more noise than usual. Another good indicator of overload is when the generator powers off when you plug something in. 


First of all, look at your Honda generator specs. Determine how many watts and amps they can provide and how much power your home appliances are draining from it. If your usage exceeds your generator’s maximum capacity, then you are facing overload for sure. 

Minimize your electricity when you are using the generator. Disconnect some of the appliances that you aren’t actively using and don’t use too many appliances all at once.

And when buying a generator, always buy at least 150% of the power output you need. So, for example, if your household appliances need 2000 watts of power, try to buy a 3000 watts generator because going for a 2200-watt one will introduce overload for sure.

2. Fuel Cap Issue

Your Honda generator uses the principle of gravity to ensure fuel flow from the tank to the engine. Now the empty space caused by fuel use should be filled by air which is let in by the small hole above the fuel cap. If it clogs up for some reason, air can’t get in, causing a vacuum which in turn shuts off the generator engine.


The fix is simple. Check your fuel cap. If the air hole is clogged up, clean it with a needle. Keep it open at all times. 

3. Overheating

Your Honda generator comes with a temperature gauge which is calibrated deep into the system. When it detects overheating,  it tells the engine to shut off. This can be caused by insufficient coolant in the radiator. Usually, Honda generators use water as a cooling agent.


Check the coolant level. If it is low, refill it to the recommended level. Do note that some generators come with an oil-cooled engine instead of water. In that case, you need to buy the appropriate cooling oil to use with the engine. 

Another way to prevent overheating is to place your generator in a well-aired environment.

4. Choke Issue

Your Honda generator’s choke lever is supposed to be facing the off position when you are starting it up. However, upon startup, you need to turn it into an open position. Failing to do so will result in the generator starting but going off after a while. 


It’s really easy to fix this. Leave the choke lever in position as long as the generator is running. When you turn it off, move it to the off position to ensure a smooth start next time. 

5. Low on Gas

Generators don’t need that much gas to start up. But once it starts up and detects that there isn’t much gas available in the tank, it will keep shutting down to prevent air from getting inside the carburetor. Because when air gets inside the fuel system, your generator won’t start at all, unless you perform a fuel system bleeding.


The solution is simple. Check your fuel tank and make sure that you always have the minimum required fuel level. It is also advisable to refill your fuel tank only when the generator is cool. Otherwise, it can be a major fire risk.

6. Clogged Up Carburetor

Carburetor too can get clogged up due to overuse or no use at all for an extensive period of time. When that happens, it can’t ensure the proper air and fuel mix-up. So the engine goes off again and again.


Maintain your Honda generator at regular intervals. Turn it on every once in a while to prevent sedimentation of fuel. If it still won’t hold start, drain your fuel completely and refill with fresh new gas. 

7. Clogged Filters and Plugs

Again, a clogged filter or faulty plug won’t always immediately stop the start. Instead, it can run for a few minutes and then start to malfunction. This happens more than you think it would in the case of a generator that’s not been maintained properly.


Clean the air filter and the plug. If they need replacement, do it as soon as you can. Especially a clogged-up air filter will always lead to overheating which is a major fire hazard.

8. Charging System

Your Honda generator’s battery is not only responsible for starting it but also keeps it running continuously by providing it power. So a weak battery that doesn’t have much charge can have a hard time keeping the engine running continuously. As a result, your generator will go off from time to time. This can also happen if the charging system which is responsible to recharge the battery is faulty. 


First of all, get the charging system checked. If it’s fine, then you may need to recharge the battery with an external power source. However, it’s always best to replace your battery if you can.

9. Incorrect Oil Level

Again, an incorrect oil level may not stop your Honda generator from starting completely. However, after a few minutes, it’ll detect the problem and shut it down to prevent damage to the delicate engine parts. Also, worn-out oil too can cause this.


To fix it, check the engine oil level. Refill it, even if it’s a little lower than the recommended level. If on the other hand, it’s above the recommended level, drain it a bit. Also, consider replacing your oil in case you haven’t done it for a while. 

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Why does my generator run for 20 minutes and then shut off?

This is a clear indication of overheating. Make sure to place your generator with lots of airflows and check if the engine coolant is working properly.

How do I keep my generator cool in hot weather?

Apart from placing it in cool surroundings, make sure to maintain your generator properly. Especially keep the engine oil at optimum level and lube all the bearings. Also, clean the air filter properly.

Final Thoughts

Most of the time, when a generator doesn’t start, it’s a maintenance-related issue. However, when your Honda generator can’t hold a start, it is usually overheating or a failing component. So do a proper inspection. There is no shame in seeking professional help if you don’t know your way around machinery.

Thanks for stopping by.

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