How to Reset Red Light on Generac Generator? | Easy Guidelines

Although a red light on your Generac generator can be very concerning, it doesn’t always mean that something serious is going on with your generator. Regardless, fixing it should be on your priority list if you want to keep using your trustworthy emergency backup supplier friend for years.

But before learning how to reset the red light on Generac generator, you should inquire why it is happening in the first place. Also, it is worth noting that not every Generac model indicates the same thing when you see a blinking red light.

Generally, the blinking red light indicates that there’s something wrong with your Generac generator. A quick fix is to flip it off and wait a few minutes before turning it on again.

How to Reset Red Light on Generac Generator

Resetting the Red Light on Generac Generator

Depending on your situation and the error code you are receiving on your Generac generator, the fixes will vary.

1. During Cold Weather

If you are noticing the red light on your Generac generator and it is extremely cold outside, the cold may be responsible for this. The possible reason for this is a frozen-up battery due to extreme weather. A simple reset can solve this.

To reset, locate the control panel of your Generac generator. Depending on your Generac model, you need to remove a panel or two to reveal the control panel fully. Here’s a reference of what it actually looks like.

To reset the red indicator, flip the black switch on the top to the off position. Now press the escape button and then press the enter button, which is the green square one.

When done, flip the black switch on the top to the manual. After the engine start, flip the black switch again, this time to auto mode.

After resetting, when the generator’s temperature rises to normal again, the red light should be gone.

But if it doesn’t, you should consider recharging the battery. A battery replacement might also help.

2. Low on Oil

Another indicator of the red light is that the engine oil is low. This can happen due to low oil, dirty oil, inaccurate oil pressure, faulty pressure switch, etc. The display code for low oil is Code 1300.

A simple fix for this is to change the oil and then restart the generator using the reset method stated above. Be careful not to overfill the engine

3. Reduce Overload

Another thing that the red light indicates is overload. It means that the generator is struggling to produce the amount of power that’s being pulled out of it. This can also happen due to a short circuit happening inside. The display code for this issue is Code 2100.

To fix it, reduce your power consumption by removing some of the appliances from the generator’s outlet.

Other Ways to Reset the Red Light

Sometimes you can’t reset the red light, no matter what. This is because not all maintenance can be done with DIY fixing, sometimes you need professional help. So, if you can’t seem to get rid of the red light, maybe it is time for maintenance. These issues have the following error codes: Code 1200, 1500 to 1515, 1600, and 1900.

Change the air filters, replace the spark plug, and check the voltage output for any irregularities. Check if there is gas leakage into the oil.

To avoid getting the red-light issue in the future, aside from regular maintenance, monitor your Generac generator’s performance at regular intervals.

Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

How do you clear the fault on a Generac generator?

Turn the Manual / Auto / Off switch to Off and press the green Enter button. This clears the error code of your Generac generator.

Where is the reset button on a generator?

It’s located inside or on the control board of the generator. You can find it easily near the on / off switch.

What color should the light be on the Generac generator?

The light on the Generac generator should be green.

How does a generator warning light work?

It informs you about the current state of your generator. A green light means everything is working as supposed to. A yellow light indicates that a service is necessary. And a red light indicates that it is low on something.

Final Thoughts

Generac generators are made to self-diagnose. This means they can identify problems themselves and notify you with an appropriate error code. We recommend you know the way around your generator to make your life easier. The user manual should help you a lot in this regard. Always make sure to do proper maintenance after resetting your Generac generator. Otherwise, the red light will keep coming back.

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