What is Considered High Hours on a Generator? For Standby and Portable Generator

During those emergency situations, generators can be a lifesaver. So, it’s only natural to inquire how long they will provide you with crucial backup time before they break down into pieces. So, how can your generator give you high hours? And more importantly, what is considered high hours on a generator? Knowing these things will give you an actual estimation of what you should expect from your emergency backup supplier.

Generators have a lot of mechanical parts inside of them. That means they are subject to wear and tear like any other mechanical equipment. So, depending on the current state of your machine, 150 to 200 hours, which is well over a week, is what you should consider as high hours on your generator.

But that doesn’t mean that your generator will break down after you put 200-plus hours in it. A well-maintained generator can last you an average of 2000 to 3000 hours in its lifetime.

Keep in mind though, this estimation is based on regular portable generators. Here’s a more detailed answer though.

What is Considered High Hours on a Generator

Estimated High Hours on Different Types of Generators

Theoretically, your generator should run continuously as long as it has gas in it. However, that’s not the case. They will eventually need to shut down to stop themselves from exploding. Depending on your particular model and the type of generator you are using, hours will vary.

1. Standby Generators

Generators that need to be installed inside your residential house, are different from portable generators. They are bigger, consume more gas, and are designed to run for prolonged hours. They can handle multiple big appliances and can do so for weeks at a stretch.

Depending on the fuel that’s being used, a propane or gasoline-powered generator can run for about a month. It will eventually need a resupply of fuel. Generally, a propane-fueled generator can run for more than 700 hours at a stretch.

Generators that use natural gas to fuel themselves can run indefinitely as long as they have natural gas supplied. However, depending on the manufacturer, they should be allowed to cool down after 500 to 700 hours, before starting again.

2. Portable Generators

These generators are usually smaller and are not designed to run for longer hours. In other words, you should not use them for a continuous supply of electricity. Depending on its model and fuel type as well as the fuel capacity, they can run for about 10 to 20 hours. That is if it is powered by gasoline.

However, if your portable generator uses propane for fuel, it should run for about 200 hours.

Pro Tip: Keep your portable generator well-maintained. Change the oil and clean the air filters before taking it out for a prolonged session on your adventures.

Total Hours on a Generator

As we’ve mentioned earlier, generators have two types of hours on them. So, if you want to know how many hours your generator will give you in total in its lifetime, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

1. Total Hours on Portable Generators

As they are not designed to run for longer hours at a stretch, they have a shorter total lifespan. Your typical mid-range portable generator can give you up to 2000 hours in total. That is almost a year of a lifetime if you run it every day for 6 hours, or two years if you use it every other day.

So, for outdoor activities, you can expect your portable generator for many many years, if you do maintenance in a timely manner.

2. Total Hours on Standby Generators

As they are designed to run for longer hours without needing to stop, it’s no wonder that standby generators have much more total hours than portable ones. Powering a medium-sized house, a standby generator can run for about 10000 to 30000 hours before its lifespan will come to an end.

In short, if you have installed your standby generator for emergency situations like natural disasters, you can expect it to last for more than 3 to 4 decades.

Tips to Increase Total Hours on a Generator

With proper maintenance, you can increase the total hours of your generator. Here’s how to maintain it properly.

  1. Never leave your generator without using it for too long. Run it for a few minutes every other month. When left unused for too long, you risk gas leaking and engine failure.
  2. When you are using the generator, both standby and portable ones, shut it down periodically. This allows for the engine to cool off, which increases total hours by a lot.
  3. Keep your generator dust-free, and check for oil and battery levels regularly.
  4. Read the generator’s user manual carefully to find out the highest hour of the generator. Never exceed its limit, or you’ll shorten its lifespan.

Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

What is the average life of a generator?

On average, a generator should last you for about 15 to 20 years. Total lifespan will vary according to your usage and the care you’ve taken of it.

How many hours on a generator before a rebuild?

Before needing to rebuild the engine, you should expect to get anywhere from 15000 to 50000 hours from a generator.

How many hours are too many hours on an RV generator?

For RV (Recreational Vehicle) generators, running them for more than 24 hours is considered too many hours. Let it cool down for a few hours after every 10-20 hours.

How do I know if my generator is overloaded?

The most obvious sign of generator overload is too much heat dissipation. If you notice more heat coming off your generator than usual, consider plugging out some of the appliances.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the total hour depends on the total amount of care you have taken for your generator over the years. Give your generator a routine break during those prolonged hours of use.  For optimized performance during excessive use, consider changing the oil after recommended hours. From a well-maintained generator, you can expect it to withstand at least a decade of heavy use.

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